As many runners know, the rule of thumb on when to replace your trainers is after you’ve logged about 300 miles in them—but it can be tough to keep track of that on your own. Read More...
As many runners know, the rule of thumb on when to replace your trainers is after you’ve logged about 300 miles in them—but it can be tough to keep track of that on your own. Read More...
Flip flops were designed for wearing at the beach and around the poolside and maybe popping on to take the rubbish out. They are great for avoiding infections such as Verrucas and Athletes Foot that thrive in damp environments such as changing rooms. Read More...
This is something many of my patients say when they come to see me, so I thought it would be a good idea to clarify what a bunion actually is and what the condition is that many people have, that they mistake for being a bunion. Read More...
Do you know someone who would benefit from the services offered by Foot Mechanix? Read More...